Over the years, we have compiled a list of jobs that we know people who are blind or vision impaired have held. You may find this list useful if you’re finishing school and deciding what career to pursue, or if you’re considering a career change due to a change in your vision (or any reason).
If you or somebody you know (who is blind or vision impaired) is employed in a job that isn’t listed here, please let us know below so we can add it to the list!
- Accountant
- Administrative assistant
- Advocacy coordinator
- Airline reservation clerk
- Assistant director
- Audio typist
- Bank teller
- Barista
- Bookkeeper
- Car detailer
- Caretaker
- Carpenter
- Chaplain
- Chemical manufacturer
- Childcare worker
- Cleaner
- Computer consultant
- Computer operator
- Computer programmer
- Customer service representative
- Docking hand
- Dog groomer
- Employment consultant
- Executive officer
- Farmer
- Financial advisor
- Foundry worker
- French polisher
- Fundraising assistant
- Furniture maker
- Gardener
- Journalist
- Judge
- Laundry assistant
- Lawyer
- Maintenance engineer
- Management consultant
- Marketing manager
- Masseur
- Mechanic
- Medical typist
- Meteorologist
- Musician
- Naturopath
- Occupational therapist
- Orchard farmer
- Packaging
- Physiotherapist
- Piano tuner
- Potter
- Process worker
- Psychologist
- Push bike assembler
- Radio announcer
- Receptionist
- Research analyst
- Reflexologist
- Salesperson
- Sheet metal worker
- Shelf packer
- Social worker
- Sound engineer
- Speech pathologist
- Spot welder
- Stockbroker
- Storeperson
- Switchboard operator
- Teacher
- Telemarketer
- Telephonist
- Tour guide
- Trainer
- Translator
- Tyre fitter
- Welder fabricator
- Wood turner
Submit a Job
Do you or someone you know have a job that isn’t on this list?
If you are aware of another job held by a person who is blind or vision impaired, please let us know by completing the form below. We would also love to hear from you if you know of specific employers who have successfully employed people who are blind or vision impaired.
One of the greatest challenges faced by people who are blind or vision impaired is trying to obtain and maintain employment. The answers you provide may encourage someone to pursue a career in a field previously thought to be inaccessible to someone who is blind or vision impaired.