Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) has a number of branches. Branches are groups of members who live in a geographic area or, who share a common interest, such as our National Women’s Branch. Branches exist to provide peer support, information sharing and social interaction between members.
Several documents govern the operation of our local and special interest branches, they include:
- BCA Constitution (Word doc)
- Branch By-Laws (Word doc)
- Branch Handbook (Word doc)
- State Division Guidelines (Word doc)
- Position Statement on Managing Events In The Post Covid Era (Word Doc)
State Divisions
State divisions are created by the BCA Board either at the request of members in that state or where the Board identifies the need for a state division. State divisions do not replace local branches but provide statewide guidanceto help promote the work of BCA and to support, engage and grow its membership. You can find more information about how state divisions function in the State Division Guidelines.
BCA has several branches around Australia, each serving the needs of members in its region or specialty group.
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
- National Women’s Branch
If you are a BCA member and would like to form a branch in the Northern Territory, please contact BCA.