This is a dedicated page that provides the latest information regarding the NDIS/NDIA, ensuring that you stay updated on Blind Citizens Australia’s ongoing engagement with the Scheme.

The page is regularly updated with the most recent developments, with information organised from newest to oldest. This structure allows you to easily track our interactions, advocacy efforts, and any changes or updates related to the NDIS and NDIA. By visiting this page, you can stay informed about how BCA is working to improve services and support for individuals with vision impairments.

CEO Update – 4/09/24:

I recently attended the NDIS Commission Disability Advocacy Forum. Following this, the appointment of the new Commissioner of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission, Louise Glanville, and Natalie Wade, in the role of Associate Commissioner was announced. We wish them well in their respective roles.

CEO Update – 28/08/24:

We acknowledge that the NDIS Amendment Bill was recently passed in Parliament and we will share further details from the government as it’s released. We are keen to hear your perspectives on this and encourage you to share them at the upcoming BCA Inform, which will discuss the NDIS and DRC.

CEO Update – 21/08/24:

In late March, the Australian Government introduced into Parliament changes to the NDIS Act 2013 (NDIS Act). These changes are proposed under a Bill called the ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024’. If passed by the Australian Parliament, the proposed amendments to Section 10 of the NDIS Act 2013 will create the power to make a new rule which outlines what is and is not considered an NDIS support. 

The list of what can and cannot be paid for using NDIS is still being finalised, with the federal government extending public consultation for what will and will not be covered until Sunday, 25th August. We encourage you to take the online survey and share your experiences. Easy-read materials and are also available on the website. 

Following consultations, the government has committed to publishing a detailed report of the outcomes, including advice as to what has changed and why those decisions were made. We will update members as soon as we know more about what will be included in the legislation and how it impacts our community. 

To monitor changes within the scheme, the NDIA releases quarterly reports to provide information and statistics about participants and how the NDIA provides support in each area. As of 30 June 2024, the latest National Quarterly Performance highlights several key updates for participants. The number of active participants with approved plans rose to 661,267 from 649,623 at the end of March 2024, while the number of children accessing early connections slightly decreased from 10,779 to 10,408. 

The percentage of participants self-managing their plans and those with plans activated within 90 days remained stable. Notably, the number of completed plan reassessments increased significantly from 40,552 to 56,002 over the quarter. 

Additionally, the data reveals that 715,657 participants have had approved plans since July 2013, with 661,267 still active. During this quarter, 14,347 new participants joined the scheme, while 2,703 left. 

The dashboard also shows that 9.9% of new participants identify as First Nations, and 7.6% are culturally and linguistically diverse. These updates reflect ongoing efforts to refine the scheme. To access more information about the latest quarterly report, visit the NDIS website.

BCA Inform – 14/08/24:

Tuesday, 3rd September from 7:30pm to 9:00pm AEST. 

Join us for September’s Inform as we unpack the latest updates on the ongoing reforms to the disability policy landscape. We’ll closely examine the proposed changes to Section 10 of the NDIS Act and the findings from the Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce. The session will also offer insights into the government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC).  

To learn more about the proposed changes and find answers to some of the more common questions, such as how Section 10 works now, visit the Department of Social Services.  

To register for the event please visit the Humanitix website.

If you have any questions or if you require assistance registering, please feel free to contact us at or call 1800 033 660.