By Fiona Woods

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The National Policy Council (NPC) welcomed two new members in December. Joanne Chua joined us as a third Board representative, along with Helen Frerris and myself and David Morrell was appointed to represent Tasmanian members.  I would like to thank departing members, Doug McGinn and Greg Madson, for their contributions to the NPC since its inception. Our NPC discussions frequently illuminate the many differences between our states and territories and the importance of BCA accessing good local knowledge.

The value of consultation needs no proving at BCA, but the NPC’s recent consultation around our draft Blindness Service Provider Expectations policy again demonstrated the value of asking members what you think. Thank you to everyone who took the time to call, email or join a meeting. We are currently integrating and reflecting on your many valuable suggestions and observations. I am sure this will result in a document which is genuinely useful to blind and vision impaired people seeking high quality services which meet our needs. You will hopefully be hearing more about this policy at Convention, where I look forward to meeting and discussing policy matters (and others) with many of you.

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